Shash Trevett
resurrected Lakshmi Holstrom, 24th June 2017, London
Shash Trevett is a Tamil from Sri Lanka who came to the UK to escape from the civil war; she now lives in York. Her poems have been published in journals, most notably Modern Poetry in Translation, and her work was used by the artist Alec Finlay, in conjunction with the National Trust/Arts Council, as part of his First World War Commemoration. Her poems have appeared in the anthologies Hallelujah for 50ft Women and Centres of Cataclysm. She is a winner of the 2016 Amnesty International ‘Silenced Shadows’ poetry competition about the disappeared in Sri Lanka. Her work was featured in the Spring 2016 refugee focus issue of Modern Poetry in Translation. She has given readings around Yorkshire and was invited to read at the York Literature Festival in 2015. She has been recorded by the British Library sound archive for their Between Two Worlds: Poetry & Translation Project and is working on completing her first collection. She is the 2019 Apprentice Poet in Residence at the Ilkley Literature Festival.